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Ultherapy Treatment


Lift how you feel, with a little help from Fresh Face + Eye. Ultherapy offers lifted and tighter skin, and improves lines or wrinkles as a non-invasive alternative to a facelift.

What is Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is a gentle, non-invasive treatment used to lift the skin on your neck, chin, and brow, and improve lines and wrinkles on décolletage.

A number of factors contribute to the loose skin, fine lines and wrinkles that develop as we age. While we have control over some of these factors, like sun exposure and cigarette smoke, there are others we don’t, like environmental issues and gravity.

An innovative micro-focused ultrasound treatment, Ultherapy uses micro-focused ultrasound to lift and tighten the skin along the jawline, lower face, under the chin, neck, eyebrows and chest. It is the only non-invasive treatment approved by the FDA for lifting of the skin in these areas.

It also stimulates collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin.

Ultherapy is the perfect option if you want some facial lifting but are not ready for a surgical facelift, would like to maintain results you’ve achieved with other therapies, or you just want to stay ahead of the aging process.

We often offer Ultherapy treatment in combination with chemical peel treatments, BOTOX injections, or dermal fillers  for maximum results.

See our Ultherapy before after photos here.

How does Ultherapy work?

Ultherapy is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that uses focused ultrasound to stimulate the formation of new collagen deep below the skin’s surface.

This highly concentrated energy creates a thermal effect in the deeper layers of the skin. As the ultrasound energy permeates the skin, the body begins producing additional collagen.

Ultherapy is the only procedure to use ultrasound imaging which allows Dr. Purewal to actually see the layers of tissue targeted during the treatment and ensure the energy is deposited precisely to where it will be most beneficial.

The production of new collagen will continue to improve the appearance of skin over two to three months, and up to six months post-treatment.

What Ultherapy results will I see in my skin?

Ultherapy addresses sagging skin on the upper chest and neck area to lift and tighten as collagen is produced.

Achieving similar results to a traditional surgical facelift, your skin looks smoother and more youthful-looking.

How does Ultherapy compare to other skin tightening treatments?

We’re often asked to compare Ultherapy vs thermage, thermitight vs Ultherapy, Ultherapy vs frax, Ultherapy vs kybella, Facetite vs Ultherapy, and Ultherapy vs microneedling.

For thermage vs Ultherapy, both use energy to stimulate the production of collagen but while thermage uses thermal energy, Ultherapy uses ultrasound energy.

Ultrasound energy can usually reach deeper into the dermal layer and also gives us more control over the depth of treatment.

Ultherapy cost is less expensive than a traditional facelift and as it’s non-invasive and carries fewer potential side effects and risks than a surgical procedure does.

It’s also one of the quickest procedures to refresh and rejuvenate the face for natural-looking, long-lasting results.

There is also no downtime, meaning you can go about your day and life as normal with no delay.

What is the downtime and recovery like for Ultherapy?

There is no downtime with Ultherapy skin tightening. Once the procedure is done, there may be mild redness and swelling which usually resolves after one to two hours.

Sunblock and make-up can be applied immediately after and you may return to all your normal daily activities without delay.

After your procedure, you can resume your normal activities immediately without the need to follow any post-treatment regimens.

How long does the procedure take?

Depending upon how many areas are being treated, Ultherapy can take from 30 minutes to 90 minutes.

Is Ultherapy painful?

Ultherapy is generally tolerated well, however if you are more sensitive, we offer numbing cream.

We apply numbing cream for half an hour prior to the procedure and use cold air to help distract in more sensitive areas.

As the ultrasound energy is delivered, you may feel tiny amounts of energy entering your skin, stimulating the collagen-building process. Comfort levels vary from person to person, but the sensation only lasts while the ultrasound energy is being delivered. Most of our patients describe a warm or tingling sensation.

How long to see results of Ultherapy treatment?

Ultherapy is a treatment focused on long-term results by enhancing the foundation of the skin and underlying tissue.

Skin may appear smoother and tighter within a week or so, however it can take several months for the body to create this new collagen and to see the full impact of the overall improvement.

How long do the results of Ultherapy treatment last?

Most of our patients choose to repeat the procedure every one to two years to keep up with the aging process.

Since the procedure stimulates your own collagen production, how long the results last depends on your body’s response to the treatment.

While treatment produces new collagen on the inside, your natural aging process will dictate how long that translates into visible results on the outside.

Future touch-up treatments can help provide more control over the aging process.

How many Ultherapy treatments will I need?

The majority of patients only need one treatment to significantly improve the firmness of their skin.

Depending on how much skin laxity you have, and how your body responds to the treatment, Dr. Purewal may recommend additional treatments.

Most of our patients choose to repeat the procedure every one to two years to keep up with the aging process.

Is your New Jersey Ultherapy treatment suitable for me?

‘Does Ultherapy work for jowls?’ is a common query we hear.

Ultherapy is ideal for those who want to address the signs of aging without having surgery.

Suitable for all color, types and conditions of skin, a micro-focused ultrasound treatment is an effective way to address the most common signs of aging including:

  • Loose skin beneath the neck and chin.
  • Wrinkles and lax skin on the face.
  • Wrinkles on the upper chest area.

Ultherapy may also be suitable for younger patients who want to combat the early signs of aging.

The innovative, non-surgical treatment is less invasive and less expensive than a traditional facelift, yet it offers comparable results.

Why is collagen so important?

Collagen is a protein vital to skin health and directly affects the appearance of the skin, Found in nearly every part of the body, the body’s production of collagen slows as we age.

It is the natural process of the collagen breaking down, in conjunction with this decrease in collagen production, that leads to the development of lax skin, fine lines and wrinkles.

Why should I choose to have New Jersey Ultherapy treatments at Fresh Face + Eye?

If you’re looking for Ultherapy near me, choose to have your treatment with our team at Fresh Face + Eye’s state-of-the-art clinic.

A board-certified Oculoplastics and Reconstructive Surgeon specializing in non-surgical facial rejuvenation and cosmetic eyelid surgery, Dr. Baljeet K. Purewal has been serving New Jersey for 10 years.

An expert in performing ultrasound treatments like Ultherapy, Dr Purewal has extensive experience helping patients look and feel more youthful and refreshed with natural-looking results.

Although there are fewer potential risks, side effects and complications associated with this non-invasive procedure than there are with surgical options, choosing an experienced Ultherapy provider is essential to achieving the best results possible.

As an expert in the procedure she can alleviate any concerns can Ultherapy make you look worse by determining the ideal skin depth before treatment.

Dr. Purewal has the experience and skill necessary to determine how far the ultrasound energy needs to permeate your skin to stimulate the body into producing more collagen. She also considers what you want to accomplish with a micro-focused ultrasound treatment and uses this information to focus the energy directly into those targeted areas.

What’s the difference between Ultherapy and laser treatments?

These two types of treatments are very different. Laser treatments use light energy, while a micro-focused ultrasound treatment uses sound energy to address the signs of aging.

Using sound energy offers unique benefits in that it can penetrate into the deepest layers of skin.

Ultherapy treatments are approved by the FDA for use in the cosmetic industry to lift the skin, while laser treatments have not.

Ultherapy is also a safe and effective FDA-approved treatment for all skin types, while laser treatment technology does not currently cater to all skin types.

What happens during an initial consultation for an Ultherapy treatment at Fresh Face + Eye?

Your initial consultation is the ideal time to ask any questions. Some of our patients find it helpful to write down questions on their phone or a list to make sure they get all the answers they’re after. We’re more than happy to answer them all!

During the initial consultation, Dr. Purewal will review your medical information. You should provide the name of your medications, dosage amount, frequency and the reason for the medication, as well as if you’re taking any herbal supplements on a regular basis or  vitamins/minerals (e.g., a multi-vitamin, extra C or B12, etc.).

You’ll also be asked about your skin care regimen so Dr. Purewal knows what products you use on the areas being treated.

Medical information is completely confidential, so you can speak openly with Dr. Purewal and our team. Lifestyle choices such as smoking, drug or alcohol use can negatively affect the body’s ability to heal following Ultherapy, so it is important to disclose this information. Your safety is put above all else.

Any allergies to medications and/or latex should be listed as well.

You also need to inform Dr. Purewal of any previous surgeries and/or cosmetic treatments that were performed on the areas being targeted during your Ultherapy treatment session (e.g., a chin implant  when sections of the face are being targeted, etc.).

Dr. Purewal will then examine the areas of the skin you would like addressed. This skin examination helps Dr. Purewal determine whether you would benefit from a micro-focused ultrasound treatment.

What do I need to do to prepare for my Ultherapy treatment?

Generally, very little needs to be done to the areas being treated with micro-focused ultrasound. After the treatment session, you will need to continue with your regular skincare routine, eat well and avoid UV rays.

Avoid trying new products until after your micro-focused ultrasound treatment because if you have a negative reaction to this new product, your Ultherapy treatment will need to be rescheduled until these negative effects subside.

You may be given specific pre-treatment instructions to follow during your initial consultation.

Keeping the skin healthy before a micro-focused ultrasound treatment helps support the new collagen production.

You can do this by:

  • Eating a balanced diet that is full of healthy fruits and vegetables to ensure your skin has the nutrients necessary to remain healthy.
  • Keeping your skin hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
  • Wearing sunscreen daily. Sunscreen is not an option, but a necessity. Dark spots on the skin, wrinkles and skin cancer all result from unprotected exposure to the sun’s harmful rays. You need to apply sunscreen every day and, if staying outside for any length of time, the sunscreen must be reapplied every four hours.
  • Moisturizing your skin as it’s an essential step in maintaining healthy, vibrant-looking skin.

How long does the Ultherapy treatment in New Jersey take?

The length of a treatment is directly related to the areas being targeted: treatment time for the neck and face can last up to 90 minutes, while the chest area usually takes about 30 minutes.

On treatment day, you should cleanse your face as usual. Makeup should be removed prior to treatment.

What happens during my treatment session?

  • Photographs of the treatment area are taken.

These photos are used for comparison purposes at your follow-up appointment. These photos will help you see the changes from the micro-focused ultrasound treatment.

  • Your skin is examined.

Dr. Purewal will examine your skin to ensure it is clean as well as reexamining the target areas.

  • Ultrasound gel is applied to the treatment areas.

A handheld applicator is gently pressed against your skin. Using this imaging technology, Dr. Purewal views the internal layers of your skin. This is to determine how far the ultrasound energy needs to permeate the skin to provide you with optimal results.

  • The ultrasound energy is activated.

The applicator is moved over the targeted areas. Most patients say they feel a tingling sensation or a slight warming sensation directly beneath the surface of their skin as collagen production is stimulated.

  • Aftercare and follow-up instructions are given.

There is no downtime with a micro-focused ultrasound treatment, so you can immediately continue on with their typical daily routines.

We understand some patients are nervous about their treatment and request a topical numbing cream. We’re dedicated to making you feel as comfortable as possible during your procedure so whenever possible Dr. Purewal accommodates these requests.

What happens after my Ultherapy treatment?

It is common for skin to be sensitive and a bit flushed following your treatment. These are good signs because it means that the energy successfully stimulated collagen production. The flushing typically fades within just a few hours.

You need to continue drinking plenty of water and applying a moisturizer to your skin after treatment.

We’ll usually make a follow-up appointment to see you six months after your micro-focused ultrasound treatment to evaluate the results by comparing with the picture taken on the day of treatment.

How many Ultherapy treatments are needed for best results?

Most of our patients only need one treatment to meet their aesthetic goals.

However as aging is a natural process, the results from Ultherapy are not permanent. Many find results last for three years, however often patients reschedule for another treatment when they begin to see a re-emergence of fine lines, lax skin and wrinkles.

Having another Ultherapy treatment session before the results of the previous treatment totally subside helps prevent the re-emergence of the issues or concerns initially targeted.

Frequency is ultimately down to your personal preference or aesthetic goals. If this is to maintain more youthful and refreshed looking skin, regularly scheduled treatments are necessary.

How many treatments are required to maintain lost facial volume?

When loss of volume is the reason for micro-focused ultrasound treatments, Dr. Purewal recommends combining treatment with dermal fillers.

Are Ultherapy treatments expensive?

These treatments are often less expensive than surgical procedures however as each treatment plan is unique, Dr. Purewal needs to examine the areas you would like treated to determine the cost.

Will health insurance cover this type of treatment?

No, these treatments are aesthetic, which means they are not medically necessary, so insurance does not cover this treatment.